Wednesday, February 12, 2014


From the time period of 800 to 1150 C.E. the Romanesque age was created. During this time, the thoughts of architecture and design derived from the Romans. They used very detailed and intricate designs but with a more sleek architecture based foundation.
During this era, the creation of churches was more popular and their design elements were more detailed and even more beautiful. For example is the Pisa Baptistery in Pisa, Italy. This particular church is a set of three structures, the cathedral, baptistery, and then the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The structures are all very detailed and have intricate designs inside and out. They are a great example of the Romanesque period, which displays a more elaborate sense of Roman design.
Outside view of the Baptistery, follwed by the cathedral and tower of Pisa.
This is an internal view of the Baptistery and its unique features.
The design and architecture set by the Romanesque period leads many paths for modern designs today. As displayed below.
This is a Romanesque inspired modern day home.
Although there wasn't much change in furniture as opposed to other periods, the style of a common chest had changed through time.
This is an image of a Romanesque tomb chest.
This is a great example of Romanesque design fused with modern day applications.
For the Romanesque period I viewed Hannah and Justine's blogs. Hannah throughly dicussed the use of vaulted ceilings during this period and how they used barrel versus groin vaulted ceilings. The vaulted ceiling was very popular during this time and I found it interesting that Hannah decided to go in depth about this subject. I enjoyed learning the different types of vaukted ceilings during this era. Justine discussed the ornate details used in churches during the Romanesque period and how it put a unque touch on the Roman features. I found both of these blogs very different from mine and interesting.


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