Monday, February 3, 2014


The Byzantine era was one of the longest eras of its time and lasted between 324 C.E. to 1453. The Byzantine culture and architectural elements were influenced mainly by the Greeks. This era gave many ideas to the making of European medival designs because of the architectural design elements that were established during this time period.
An interesting and monumental structure of the Byzantine period is the Hagia Sophia. The Hagia Sophia was created and designed during the Byzantine period and was created as a multi-dome structure to out-do all other structures before its time. The Hagia Sophia was created between 532 and 537 C.E. The dome brings light and height to the space with the use of tall walls and numerous amounts of windows.


A multi-dome orthodox church in Skopje, inspired by the Hagia Sophia and its multi-dome structure.
Use of columns in the Hagia Sophia shows the unique details during the Byzantine period and how those details are displayed today.

From the ideas and influences of the Romans, furniture of that time period was duplicated to the style of the Byzantine era. For example, the x-frame stool, which was based off the original design from the Romans and used with a Byzantine twist. This stool is now used modernly in current furniture styles.

For the Byzantine era, I looked at Yo's and Megan's Blogs. Yo discussed the use of pendentive style and how the style went beyond what the Romans had started. He also discussed how the dome structure wnet beyond a one-directional angle and was used, as he said a "four directional elevation view." Megan discussed and showed an image of fashion and how it was incorperated in Byzantine design and how it is used today.


1 comment:

  1. I discussed your blog post here:
